888-592-3500 info@fdiscincy.com

Need an alternative to credit cards?, Accept checks online with the Global Gateway® VirtualCheck™ service and have your check payments automatically processed for you. Powered by TeleCheck®, the leader in check transactions, VirtualCheck gives merchants an alternative payment option that works with any Global Gateway Internet solution. With an amazingly straightforward user interface, it's simply the easiest way to accept checks online.
Global Gateway VirtualCheck: It's the next best thing to seeing green.
Features at a Glance
Brings an additional payment option to all Global Gateway payment solutions
- Global Gateway Central
- Global Gateway Connect
- Global Gateway API
Eliminates the hassles of paper checks
Transfers funds automatically from the consumer's account to the merchant account
Gives you an intuitive interface that's just like completing a real check
Reduces data entry errors
Gives users ready assistance with on-screen rollover help
Eliminates invalid data entries with real-time error checking
Gives immediate declines for high-risk transactions
Compares transaction data against TeleCheck's negative database at the point of sale
Reduces the risk of accepting bad checks
Fills in your business name on the check automatically, so it's clear where the money is going
Shows transaction amount automatically on the check interface
Includes Java™ servlet technology for fast transaction times
Intuitive Check User Interface looks like a real check
Allows Global Gateway Central users to easily enter data on the same point-of-sale page used for credit card orders
Reduces work for Global Gateway Connect Web site developers with a ready-made VirtualCheck interface
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Services by Cardservice International.
The FIRST DATA name, trademark and logo are owned by First Data Corporation. All other trademarks, service marks and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners. The First Data Independent Sales Agent Program is operated by Cardservice International, Inc. Cardservice International, doing business as First Data Independent Sales (FDIS), is a registered ISO/MSP of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Walnut Creek, CA. American Express requires separate approval. FDIS Cincinnati is an independent agent for Cardservice International.