888-592-3500 info@fdiscincy.com
Card Processing
Accepting bankcards—such as
MasterCard® and Visa®—encourages consumer purchasing and
stimulates customer impulse buying, which can help you grow
your business. Noncash purchase payment is an important option
for both traditional and Internet businesses.
association with MasterCard® and Visa®, First Data Independent Sales is licensed to perform various duties on behalf
of our member banks, including accepting merchant drafts,
using agents and sales representatives to market our products
and services, and providing outstanding customer service to
merchants. |
ATM/debit cards provide
merchants with an additional way to accept noncash payments
from their customers and capture impulse purchases. ATM/debit
cards stimulate buying and are particularly useful for
customers who do not have credit cards and would otherwise
have to pay by check or not purchase at all.
payment options are a must for today's businesses, and
bankcards are the most popular credit cards for customer
Information about the MasterCard® and Visa® rules and regulations are available in the First Data Independent Sales Merchant Agreement.
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Services by Cardservice International.
The FIRST DATA name, trademark and logo are owned by First Data Corporation. All other trademarks, service marks and trade names referenced in this material are the property of their respective owners. The First Data Independent Sales Agent Program is operated by Cardservice International, Inc. Cardservice International, doing business as First Data Independent Sales (FDIS), is a registered ISO/MSP of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Walnut Creek, CA. American Express requires separate approval. FDIS Cincinnati is an independent agent for Cardservice International.